It’s really important that we all look after our mental health and well-being. Our Chairman John Barnett is a Retired Psychotherapist and has recorded some of his thoughts to help us get through it

Mind, the mental health charity, and the NHS recommend five steps to improve your mental health and wellbeing. These include getting some exercise and connecting with others, but how can we follow them in the middle of a lockdown? It may be easier than you think – and could create good mental health habits for when life returns to normal.


The steps were developed after researchers examined more than 400 scientific studies and identified five key factors that contribute to our mental wellbeing.

They are: 

1. connect with others 

2. learn something new 

3. keep active 

4. give to other people

5. be present, or mindful 

The idea was to help us do something every day to maintain good mental health. But since coronavirus hit the UK, our mental wellbeing has taken a back seat to more urgent worries. New research by the Mental Health Foundation and the Institute of Public Health found millions of us feel unprepared, panicked and hopeless during the pandemic.

Childline has a great website and has information on topics like Managing Anxiety, Depression, Boosting your Mood, Loneliness and Isolation etc

The NHS has a quiz called Every Mind Matters. Answer 5 questions and you get lots of tips and ideas to help you.

Check out what Prince William and Kate had to say about it!