Here are a few resources to help you out with your studies / getting a job!
This is an excellent site with loads of U Tube Videos on a whole range of subjects from Anatomy to World History
Starting on Monday 20th April, lessons and podcasts will be on every day on subjects from Art to Spanish !!!
Magazine articles and activities for ages 4-15 years. ( Pre K = Reception, up to Grade 9 ( Year 10).
Great for KS3, GCSE and A-Level especially revision. Students can use the site for free.
Take a tour around some of the World’s most famous Museums. Plus you can look round some amazing places- even the White House! There are also loads of Art Tutorials and tips!
If you would like to practice some Art Skills and cheer yourself up check out this inspirational Art Video from one of our Young Leaders Alysha!
If you are doing Music check out all the brilliant Tutorials on this site!
This site is packed full of excellent educational videos, offering an enjoyable way to reinforce much of what they learn at school.
Need to do your CV? This is a great website to build it from scratch
Students of any age with SEND please take a look at the below website:-
Students can also contact us at BYC for any advice or help that you need! email us at